I.D. Drynov, N.A. Malyshev, G.I. Drynov. Evolutionary Basics of Using Recombinant Viruses for Gene Therapy of Hereditary and Acquired Human Diseases. Moscow, Trans Art, 2015, 221 p.

Disturbances of vital activity of a body classified as diseases require attention to the evolutionary basics of complex biological systems' functioning. The nature of many diseases turns out to be more complicated than it is generally viewed. A human being adapts to the environment via hard natural selection in which a significant role is played by the genetic adaptation processes. Correction of a genetic defect resulting in development of a disease by introduction of a functionally active gene into the genome becomes a cardinal method of treatment. Gene therapy is seen as a promising area for development of methods of treatment of a wide range of human diseases. Knowledge of the evolutionary basics of using recombinant viruses in gene therapy is required to understand the ways of targeted correction of the cell genetic apparatus action.

The most part of the work is devoted to analysis of the problem of forming recombinant viruses carrying genes required for gene therapy of human diseases.
The book is intended for a wide circle of readers interested in the modern medicine's capabilities. It can be useful for infectious disease doctors and general practitioners.