«Medgamal» Branch

Production of medical immunobiological drugs

The Medgamal branch of FSBI National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N. F. Gamaleya was transformed in accordance with Order No. 39 of the Presidium of the RAMS dated February 12, 2003 and in accordance with Order No. 19 of the RAMS dated February 20, 2003, from a concern for the production of bacterial medication of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N. F. Gamaleya of the RAMS, and is currently one of Russia’s oldest production facilities for the production of medical immunobiological drugs. All drugs manufactured by the concern are certified in accordance with the required quality standard, are well known and have been used at health care facilities for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious and somatic diseases.

The branch manufactures:

Therapeutic and preventive medications: 

  • pyrogenal – an inducer molecule that triggers innate immune responses, which is used to identify and treat low-grade infections that do not respond well to conventional treatment methods; for the prevention and treatment of adhesive disease, cicatricial changes and contractures; for the regeneration of damaged structures and tissues.

  • BCG and BCG-M vaccines are effective means for specific prevention of tuberculosis through active immunization. Vaccines are live mycobacteria of the BCG-1 vaccine strain, which, when multiplying in the body of the person who is vaccinated, result in the development of long-term immunity to tuberculosis.

  • imuron-vac is a vaccine for BCG therapy of superficial bladder cancer, used in oncourology for prevention and treatment.

  • staphylococcal toxoid – for specific immunotherapy of adults and adolescents suffering from acute or chronic staphylococcal infection (in the exacerbation phase): furunculosis, hydradenitis, panaritium, phlegmon, pyoderma, acne, staphylococcal pneumonia, complicated traumas of various localization, osteoarthritis , urological, and otorhinolaryngological diseases. 

Diagnostic products

  • GM-BAKT-1 is a test system for detecting selective markers of genetically modified bacteria in food products using the polymerase chain reaction method.

  • PneumocystoFluoAGdiagnostics is a set of reagents for detecting specific antigens of Pneumocystis carinii and forms of pneumocysts in material from patients with broncho-pulmonary diseases involving suspected pneumocystosis.

  • Diagnostic staphylococcal toxin is used to measure antibody titers against staphylococcus and the strength of the immune system during treatment with purified staphylococcal toxoid.

  • Immunoglobulins diagnostic fluorescent tularemia and dry brucellosis is used to rapidly measure the causative agents of tularemia and brucellosis in smears from bacterial cultures and in pathological human biomaterial.

  • ELISA-IgM-Zika, dengue, ZN, Chik are a set of reagents used for the differential determination of IgM antibodies against Zika, dengue, West Nile and Chikungunya viruses in human blood samples in the diagnosis of fevers caused by these viruses.

Ready-to-use culture media

  • thioglycolic medium, peptone water 1%, Sabouraud agar, Sabouraud broth, meat-peptone agar, and meat-peptone broth.  


Branch head – Natalia Evgenievna Fillippova (499)193-3050).

Detailed information on the production of drugs, as well as the range, specifications, terms and conditions of the sale of the above-mentioned products is posted on  www.medgamal.ru, email: medgamal@gamaleya.org

Special assessment of labor conditions

December 13, 2019

In accordance with the Federal Law No. 426-FZ “On special assessment of labor conditions” a special assessment of labor conditions was carried out at 96 workplaces in subdivisions of the Medgamal branch.

Title page
List of measures

December 29, 2017

In accordance with the Federal Law No. 426-FZ “On special assessment of labor conditions” a special assessment of labor conditions was carried out at 61 workplaces in subdivisions of the Medgamal branch.

Title page
List of measures

February 27, 2017

In accordance with the Federal Law No. 426-FZ “On special assessment of labor conditions” a special assessment of labor conditions was carried out at 48 workplaces in subdivisions of the Medgamal branch.

Title page of report
List of measures

June 4, 2015

 A special assessment of labor conditions was carried out in subdivisions of the Medgamal branch.

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December 3, 2014

From July 1 until December 3, 2014 a special assessment of labor conditions was carried out in subdivisions of the Medgamal branch.

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