Mucoviscidosis. Under the editorship of N.I. Kapranov and N.Y. Kashirskaya Moscow, Medpraktika-M, 2014, 672 p.

The team of authors includes M.Y. Chernukha and I.A. Shaginyan.

The monograph is a fundamental study devoted to the problem of mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis). Along with historical analysis of development of the problem of mucoviscidosis, the book set forth the current understanding of the molecular and genetic aspects of the disease, its diagnostics, including neonatal screening, pathogenesis and clinical course, microbiology and epidemiology of infectious complications, up-to-date approaches to treatment and rehabilitation, specifics of mucoviscidosis in adults, etc. In the course of monograph preparation achievements of the global science were summarized as well as the authors' own clinical experience.

The book will be useful for scientists, specialists, medical practitioners, and students of medical higher educational establishments.