I.D. Drynov, N.A. Malyshev, A.A. Romanyukha, G.I. Drynov. Evolutionary Basics of Inevitability of Infectious Diseases and Associated Somatic Pathologies. Moscow, Trans Art, 2014, 252 p.

The monograph is devoted to analysis of development of infectious processes based on the understanding of symbiotic tendencies of complex biological systems' evolution. Impairment of functions in the infected body results in development of somatic pathologies.
Therapeutic tactics that uses antivirulents in complex treatment of somatic diseases combined with infectious pathologies is reviewed on the example of allergic diseases with the pathogen as a cause of the infection and the allergen as a cause of the allergy are the same substance (terminology of the authors).

The book is intended for a wide circle of readers interested in the role of infections in development of human pathologies. It can be useful for infectious disease doctors and general practitioners.