V.A. Zuyev. Many Faces of Virus. Secrets of Hidden Infections. Moscow, Science and World project, AST-Press LLC, 2012, 272 p.

Introductory note by member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences D.K. Lvov.

Viruses have many faces. Not only can they cause acute infections, but they are also able to be a reason of hidden ones, including the so-called slow infections – congenital rubella, AIDS, viral hepatitis, rabies, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, and many others. Virus invasion into the human body is sometimes not accompanied by any signs of a disease – we continue to feel healthy. However, a hidden virus infection may lead to quite unexpected and sometimes tragic consequences.

The book contains new data of slow infection agents (including – non-viral), the scale of their dissemination in the world, the mechanisms of development and measures for prevention of these deadly diseases.