I.D. Drynov, N.A. Malyshev, A.A. Romanyukha, G.I. Drynov. Evolutionary Basics of Chronic Infections and Associated Somatic Pathology Development. Moscow, TransArt LLC, 2013, 380 p.

The monograph considers infectious diseases as a general theoretical problem of biology with a great evolutionary component. The evolutionary aspect of the problem arises when attempts are made to establish the sources of an epidemic of flue or any other infectious diseases.

In terms of infectology, there are two key areas of life evolutionary development: formation of new species of microorganisms, including under the influence of antibiotic therapy and their combination with the habitat as a symbiotic path important for understanding the relationship between the microbe and the infected body. The difference in kind of acute and chronic infectious processes is justified. Disturbances in functioning of complex biological systems providing a determinant of somatic pathology development are reviewed.

Feasibility of using graphical and mathematical models of infectious disease development making it easier to analyze the clinical and laboratory data in total contributing the diagnosing and determination of the therapeutic tactics adequate to the patient's condition is shown. The book is intended for a wide circle of readers interested in the role of infections in development of human pathologies and modern trends in designing means and methods of complex therapy of infectious diseases.