N.F. Gamaleya Institute for Epidemiology & Microbiology Booklet. In English. Under the general editorship of A.L. Gintsburg, S.B. Cheknev, and Y.V. Ananyina. Moscow, 2009, 98 p.

The introductory part of the publication includes brief reference information, description of the key stages of the institution development, general information, and data on the institution management. Then, the key areas of research studies and their implementation are described by division and laboratory (in accordance with the new structure approved in 2009); the brief history of establishing the laboratories and the divisions is provided; the most prominent scientists having worked in the institution and having established internationally known schools of thought and research areas and the authors of outstanding achievements and discoveries are named. The major research studies are shown. The most prominent recent results of the studies are specified. The ending part of the publication contains information on the Scientific Council.