M.G. Romantsov, F.I. Yershov. Frequently Ill Children: Modern Pharmacotherapy. Guidance for Doctors. Moscow, GEOTAR-Media, 2007, 192 p.

The guidance contains summarized data on rational anti-virus therapy of frequently ill children having long-lasting diseases. The immune response in case of virus diseases is characterized in detail, children's immune system specifics is described, and immune systems disorders in children are tackled based on the modern approaches. Contains clinical characteristic of frequently ill children with long-lasting diseases. The data of preventative measures for this category of children is summarized. The modern pharmacotherapy and the anti-virus drugs most often used in pediatrics (chemical drugs, interferons, their inductors, and immune response modifiers) are described. Material on the "avian flu" is provided for information.

The publication is intended for pediatricians, family doctors, medical students, and resident physicians.