F.I. Yershov, M.G. Romantsov. Anti-virus Drugs in Pediatrics. Moscow, Russian Doctor, 2005, 244 p.

Reviewers: member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.Y. Studenikin and correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.G. Bukrinskaya.
Introductory note by member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.I. Pokrovsky.

The monograph contains new data on anti-virus drugs used in medical practice, including for treatment of various children's diseases. Special attention is paid to interferon-based drugs, interferon inductors, and immune response modifiers as the most efficient means of prevention and therapy of infectious diseases in children. Data on the mechanisms of action, the indications, and the dosing regimens is provided.

A special section is devoted to treatment of the most common and widespread virus and bacterial infections (hepatitis, acute respiratory diseases, infectious mononucleosis, HIV, and acute intestinal infections). The monograph also contains a material on SARS treatment.

The book is intended for pediatricians, clinical pharmacologists, and pharmacy technicians. It will be useful for post-graduate students, resident physicians, and medical and pharmaceutical students.