I.V. Shakhgildyan, M.I. Mikhaylov, G.G. Onishchenko. Parenteral Viral Hepatites (Epidemiology, Diagnostics, Prevention). Moscow, All-Russia Training, Research, and Methodology Center for Continuous Medical and Pharmaceutical Education, 2003, 384 p.

Introductory note by member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.I. Pokrovsky.

Reviewers: professor T.A. Semenenko and doctor of medical sciences M.A. Gorbunov.

The current epidemiological patterns of parenteral virus hepatitis in Russia ( first of all, the most widespread hepatitis B and C).

The monograph provides an attempt to summarize the experience of other countries and a number of administrative territories of Russia with regard to successful implementation of wide hepatitis B vaccination programs and show the degree of the impact of the correct HB-virus infection prevention strategy on the epidemic process of hepatitis B and possibility of hepatitis B elimination in the 21st century, using this example. The role of general activities for prevention of virus hepatitis is reviewed, and the measures for their improvement are determined.

Reviewing the epidemiological patterns of parenteral virus hepatitis and a complex of measures for its prevention, the authors considered it necessary to provide , among other data, the current information of values of certain serological markers of various virus hepatitis types in the epidemiological practice.
In one of the sections of the monograph the data on understudied hepatitis G and TTV viruses obtained the recent years both in Russia and abroad is provided.

Published in the author's edition.