V.M. Bondarenko, N.M. Gracheva, T.V. Matsulevich. Intestinal Dysbacterioses in Adults. Moscow, KMK Scientific Press, 2003, 220 p.

Reviewers: doctor of medical sciences professor V.P. Mashilov and doctor of biological sciences K.G. Kaverina. Introductory note by member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.A. Vorobyev.

The book summarizes the materials on dysbiotic disturbances of normal intestinal flora in adults, which are currently often faced by doctors of various profiles. Apart from microbiological views of intestinal dysbacteriosis, the data on possible clinical representation of the latter is provided and pathogenesis problems are discussed. Data on probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotic products is provided. The treatment and prevention measures are described in detail.

The book is intended for microbiologists, infectious disease doctors, gastroenterologists, general practitioners, and doctors of other profiles.